Day-04 shell scripting

Mokadi Surya Prasad
3 min readSep 27, 2024


1. Now we can check the username and if the users don’t exit then create the user.

2. Now we can create random password with special characters.

3. Now we can Force the user to reset the password during first time login.

### step: We can check the valid parameters are passed or not by using the below script


if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then


echo $USER


echo “Please enter a valid parameter”


### We need to find the how many user are there in VM by using the below script

### There is a particular path to find the user already there or not in machine.

cat /etc/passwd

### Now i need to find the user is there or not with user name with the help of below grep command

cat /etc/passwd | grep -i -w Ubuntu1

##Now i want take the 1st part of the output to display the user name in output by using the below command

cut -d “:” -f1

cat /etc/passwd | grep -i -w Ubuntu1 | cut -d “:” -f1

### Adding — User


if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then


echo $USER

EXISTING_USER=$(cat /etc/passwd | grep -i -w $USER | cut -d “:” -f1)

if [ “$USER” = “$EXISTING_USER” ]; then

echo “The user $USER is already present on the machine. Please enter another username.”


echo “Let’s create a new user.”

sudo useradd -m $USER — shell /bin/bash



echo “Please enter valid parameters.”


##password ##

#Now we need to write a script for generating password


### Check if a username is provided as an argument

if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then


echo $USER

EXISTING_USER=$(cat /etc/passwd | grep -i -w $USER | cut -d “:” -f1)

# Check if user already exists

if [ “${USER}” = “${EXISTING_USER}” ]; then

echo “The $USER you have entered is already present in the machine, Please Enter the Another USername”


echo “Creating new username: $USER”

sudo useradd -m $USER — shell /bin/bash

# Generate a random password with a special character

SPEC=$(echo ‘!@#$%^&*()_’ | fold -w1 | shuf | head -1)


# Set the password for the new user

echo “$USER:$PASSWORD” | sudo chpasswd

echo “The temporary password for $USER is: ${PASSWORD}”

# Expire the password so the user has to change it on first login

passwd -e $USER



echo “Please Enter the Valid parameter.”


### Now we can use the sed stream editor to modify the sshd_config file, particularly changing the PasswordAuthentication.

sed -i “58 s/.*PasswordAuthentication.*/PasswordAuthentication yes/g” /etc/ssh/sshd_config

## Multi User passing

### Now we can passing the multiple user with the help of for loop and generating the random password with the help of special characters

### Check if any username is passed as an argument

if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then

for USER in “$@”; do

echo $USER

EXISTING_USER=$(cat /etc/passwd | grep -i -w $USER | cut -d “:” -f1)

# Check if the user already exists

if [ “${USER}” = “${EXISTING_USER}” ]; then

echo “The $USER you have entered is already present in the machine, Please Enter the Another USername”


echo “Lets Create a new Username”

sudo useradd -m “$USER” — shell /bin/bash

# Generate a random password with a special character

SPEC=$(echo ‘!@#$%^&*()_’ | fold -w1 | shuf | head -1)


# Set the password for the new user

echo “$USER:$PASSWORD” | sudo chpasswd

# Check if the password was set successfully

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then

echo “The temporary password for $USER is: $PASSWORD”

# Expire the password to force change at first login

passwd -e “$USER”


echo “Failed to set password for $USER.”





echo “Please Enter the Valid parameter.”




Mokadi Surya Prasad
Mokadi Surya Prasad

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